Does insurance cover orthodontics?

It happens to every parent, or every adult who is bothered by their own crooked smile. You know you should do something about it, but you also are sure it will be very expensive! You may be wondering a common question: does insurance cover orthodontics? The good news is, if you have dental insurance, it’s possible that some of it, at least, is covered! Also, the benefits of fixing crooked teeth go far beyond looking nicer in selfies. We’ll walk you through the process of understanding how to find out if your insurance covers orthodontics, and the many things that make fixing your smile worth the cost. 

How to find out: does my insurance cover orthodontics? 

Step one. Get a  consultation. 

The best news is, finding out whether you need braces, your braces options, and how much it will cost you is free. All you have to do is make an appointment for your free consultation and we can take a look and remove the mystery! This initial appointment only takes a half an hour. At this free appointment, we will take a look at your teeth to let you know if we recommend treatment. If we do, we’ll set up a 1 hour records appointment to gather diagnostics and make a plan. 

Step two. Bring in your insurance information.

If you have dental insurance, bring your information in to these appointments. We will take down the information and do legwork to discover if you have benefits and answer your question: “does insurance cover orthodontics?” Many plans offer a lifetime maximum per person, so if you haven’t used the orthodontics maximum you may save some money! Also, some plans base the availability for orthodontics on age. The best and easiest way to find out what your insurance covers is to bring it into our office and we can do the work for you. 

Step three. Receive a plan and estimate. 

After you have your initial appointment and your diagnostic appointment, you come in one more time for consultation. At this appointment, we will let you know our treatment plan, timeline, and estimate. You can learn the options for treatment, from clear aligners to traditional braces. For children and teens, we will let you know whether we recommend two phases, with early orthodontics and a final round of braces, or just one round of braces. We’ll also discuss any appliances that may make sense to get the best possible outcome. We will have the answer to your pressing question of if insurance covers orthodontics, as well as the total cost of treatment!

Step four. Take the step to get all the benefits of straightening your teeth!

Now the mystery is removed, and you know the treatment plan and costs. You can weigh it with the benefits of treatment! Benefits include a better bite, teeth that are easier to clean (so less potential for gum disease or painful issues later), less wear and tear on your teeth over time from a bad bite so less issues later in life, and of course, that healthy, beautiful smile of your dreams! Amazing selfies, here you come!

Are you interested in setting up your free consultation so you can take the mystery out of orthodontics and get all the information you need to make your decision?  Set up your appointment today. 

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