Treating Your Snoring

You feel sleepy during the day–at your desk, watching TV in the evening. Yet, you keep a regular bedtime and awaken each morning with the alarm clock. Your spouse says you snore. Are these circumstances connected? Dr. Sep has helped scores of people in the London, ON, area and across North America with their snoring and a condition called sleep apnea. Learn here about this common, and unhealthy, sleep disorder.

What is sleep apnea?

In simplest terms, sleep apnea happens when a person stops breathing as he or she sleeps. Caused by a variety of lifestyle factors (like alcohol and tobacco usage), age, weight, and even neck circumference, this sleep disorder affects the personal relationships and health of 90 million Americans, says the National Sleep Foundation.

Dr. Sep uncovers and treats sleep apnea. He pinpoints sleep apnea through in-home sleep monitoring or refers patients to medical specialists to determine if you are suffering from sleep apnea.

Why is sleep apnea a problem?

For the 60 percent of sleep apnea sufferers who are male and the 40 percent of sufferers who are women, sleep apnea causes:

  • Excessively loud and disruptive snoring in London
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Problems with anxiety, concentration, memory, and depression
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Cardiovascular issues such as heart attack and stroke

All these issues and more result from the relaxation of the tongue and soft tissues at the back of the throat. When the airway is obstructed, people snore and startle awake multiple times an hour because they simply cannot breathe properly.

Treating sleep apnea in London

Most sleep apnea is obstructive, or OSA, as sleep physicians and dentists call it. Other people suffer from a more serious form of the disorder. Central Sleep Apnea, or CSA, happens when the brain and respiratory system do not communicate properly. Mixed Sleep Apnea combines elements of both OSA and CSA.

Depending on the findings from a physical examination, a primary care physician may refer someone to Dr. Sep for an in-home sleep study and CPAP and/or oral appliance therapy. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The sleep apnea patient uses a bedside CPAP apparatus to deliver a constant stream of air via a nasal mask. This keeps the airway open and functioning.

Oral appliance therapy involves wearing a customized acrylic mouthpiece which places the jaw in a more forward position. Through the night, the jaw remains in this position and prevents the tongue from covering the airway. Many sleep apnea patients benefit from a combination of CPAP and oral appliance therapy.

Rest more and feel better

If you’re concerned about your snoring and how well you’re feeling and functioning day to day, don’t worry. There’s something you can do. We’re confident that Dr. Sep can uncover the causes of those symptoms and give you the right treatment for your sleep apnea. For a consultation, call the London, ON, office at (519) 455-4110.

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