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Do Something Special For Yourself

When you look in the mirror, are you disappointed with the crooked appearance of your smile? Is there a gap in your front teeth that always collects food and is an incredible nuisance? With the year that we have had, it is a perfect time to do something special for yourself. Now that we have entered December and the new year is right around the corner, there is no time like the present to be on your way to a new you! If you have been delaying orthodontic treatment over avoidance of a mouthful of metal brackets and wires, we have the perfect solution. Continue reading to learn about the “clear” choice perfect to give you the smile of your dreams.

Invisalign® is the “Clear” Choice to Straight Teeth

Gone are the days of a mouth full of metal being the only way to straighten teeth. Adults and teenagers have been embracing the technology of Invisalign® for years. Invisalign® is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners over a period of time to straighten teeth. It can help treat conditions such as overcrowded teeth, overbite, underbite, and crossbite. For someone who is self-conscious about their mouth, Invisalign® is a wonderful option, as the clear trays are virtually unnoticeable.

Since Invisalign® trays are removable, many of the food restrictions that you have with braces are eliminated. The worry of brackets breaking and food becoming lodged in wires is no longer an issue. Invisalign® trays are easily removed for meal time. If there are certain foods that you just cannot live without, it is another reason to make the move towards committing to Invisalign®.

Invisalign® is convenient and easy to care for. Trays can be removed for cleaning, keeping your oral hygiene routine unchanged. The length of treatment is less than traditional braces, so the time commitment is manageable with even the busiest of schedules.

If you would like to start the new year on your way to a new smile, please call our office located in London, Ontario to schedule your consultation for Invisalign® today.

Dr. Rondeau & Team Rondeau

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