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The Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

When you think of orthodontics, you think of your smile and what this treatment can do to improve it. While orthodontic treatment can make your smile straighter and improve your appearance, it can also be beneficial to your oral health. Orthodontic treatment from Dr. Rondeau & Associates in London, Ontario, can help keep you and your family as healthy as possible.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

The first benefit orthodontics can produce is a decreased risk of oral disease. As the teeth straighten, there are fewer crevices that can hold onto harmful bacteria. When you brush and floss it makes it easier to remove plaque and food particles. Without this treatment, these hiding places can allow food and bacteria to build up leading to cavities, plaque and even periodontal disease in more severe cases. Preventing gum disease with orthodontics in London keeps your oral health in check.

Another benefit of orthodontic treatment includes reduced risk of jaw problems. This is because orthodontics make sure the bite fits together in the mouth, reducing the risk of misaligned teeth, which can put stress on the jaw. This misalignment can also lead to the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint or TMJ, resulting in weakened teeth and increased risk of chipped or broken teeth. Orthodontic treatment can prevent pain associated with this type of condition. Misaligned teeth can also cause an injury because of an improper bite. This can be especially dangerous for children who play high-contact sports.

Ultimately, orthodontics in London, Ontario, from Dr. Rondeau & Associates can provide many improvements to the oral health of patients of all ages. In addition to these benefits, an improved and straighter smile will improve your self-esteem. If you want to learn more about what we can do for your smile, call our London, Ontario, dental office today at 519-455-4110.

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