Top Tips to Stop Snoring

overly tired man yawning due to snoring and restless nights.

Trying to Stop Snoring – What You Need to Know

Maybe you’ve always been a snorer—or maybe it is a brand new part of your life. Either way, snoring can be a pain—it bothers your bed partner, and you wake up feeling less than refreshed. Snoring may be caused by something simple, like allergies or sleep positions. Or it may be something more severe, like obstructive sleep apnea—a condition that is actually life threatening and increases chances of stroke, heart attacks, and more. It’s time to get yourself back to a peaceful night’s rest. We’ve got tips to stop snoring! Plus, your bed partner will thank you! 

There may be some easy things to try to open up your airway and stop snoring as a first initial step. Some are quick fixes or things to try—and some are lifestyle changes. Any and all might be just what you need to stop snoring and get that peaceful rest you crave.

Top tips to stop snoring: 

• Be evaluated for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A great place to start is to make an appointment to be evaluated for sleep apnea. As many as 20 million people in North America suffer from this condition! The great news is, it can be treated—and for people with mild to moderate sleep apnea, or anyone who can’t tolerate a CPAP machine, an oral appliance can help. If you snore, visit us for a consultation. We will evaluate you, and an at-home sleep study can confirm if this is what is causing your snoring. We can easily then get you on track to stop snoring. 

• Avoid sleeping on your back. We know, we know. It is hard to get out of a life-long habit of back sleeping. But it’s possible that this position is causing the snoring, letting your tongue fall back into your airway. This blockage leads to snoring—and a side sleeping position may correct that problem. Helpful tips to make this change—try a body pillow, or even attaching something uncomfortable to the back of your pajamas that will remind you not to position yourself on your back, even when you are sleeping. 

• Raise the head side of your bed. A pillow or bed riser can raise the head of your bed a few inches—which may be just the angle you need to stop snoring.  

• Treat allergies or congestion. If you have seasonal allergies or long term allergies that are leaving you congested, this could be the cause of your snoring. Plus, it’s no fun to be congested all the time! Ask your primary care doctor about how to get rid of your allergies and congestion, and this may clear you up for a quiet night of sleep. 

• Change your pillows. If your snoring is caused by a blockage in your nasal passages, it could be allergies related to dust mites. If you don’t have congestion during the day, but at night you seem to, it may be worth it to try new pillows to see if it helps the problem. 

• Take a hot shower before bed. A big part of snoring is a blockage in the airway. A hot shower before bed may help open your nasal passages and reduce snoring.

• Eliminate alcohol or sedatives before bed, and avoid cigarettes altogether. These items relax your muscles, and relaxed muscles in your throat could be what is causing you to snore. Try eliminating them and see if it makes a difference!

• Get enough sleep! Give yourself plenty of time to sleep every night—sleep begets sleep! Your sleep will never be more restful than when you get that healthy recommended seven (or even 9!) hours per night. 

• Lose weight. If you are outside of a healthy weight range, losing weight can help you stop snoring. Set a goal and work to get there over time. This will help improve your health in other areas as well!

These are all great tips to stop snoring—and we recommend starting with that consultation before you spend any time on the others. It’s easy, and a diagnosis is the first step. Make an appointment for your free consultation today!

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